Mon 27 Jan
(Artesia - Norwalk - Cerritos)
G O R G E O U S _° E X O T i C ° BO MBS H E L L° - 21
(INCALL Specials/24hours)
Dr Mal the T*H*R*O*A*T* Specialist full of SINNN!! - 41
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, N. Long Beach. 91 frwy / Long Bch blvd)
:* F@R A §w Ebony G.F.E. +wih+ NaUgHY InN§iOn§ *:. ST@P BY*:. @ND SeE {KANDI} - 25
(in-outcalls all over)
FiNaLLy!!! ((SoMeOnE ThAt CaN LeAVe U SMiLiNG)) ReAdY NoW((SeXy BLoNDe BuNNii)) SpECiALs aLL DaY - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 605/5 ★)
★ DaRe U 2 ☞ £00K! ✿✿ PrEπY & $w££T (¯`★´¯)*__6o SPECIALS!!! _______ (¯`★´¯) 909♥278♥3512 - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Buena Park)
Mornig special $$ 70 for two girls LATINAS SUPER HOT call - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy firestone rosecrans norwalk downey)
LOOk !🔥💚💋 [SWEEt & PETiTE] ✨👯 [B][L][O][N][D][E] 💕💚💕 [🐰WHiTE•GiRL🐰 ] ✨SPECiALS✨ - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605 frwy •ARTESiA•NORWALK • CERRiTiOS)
☆Looking For an Attractive Lady Of Leisure? ( ☞ WLL HR I AM ☜ )WHY WAIT! - 22
(Long Beach, 91fwy,Artesia,Cerritos,Downy,Norwlk,Bell)
MIXED EBONY°°* T I G H T »-(¯`v´¯)-» W E T» -(¯`v´¯)-» P U S S Y» -(¯`v´¯)INCALL SPECIALS!!! - 21
L O O K __ HOtTt ~ N ~ PLaYfuL __ (1OO% FuN & SeXy) ___* H.O .T .T .! .E *___ SUNDAY SPEC!'s - 21
(Long Beach, 91..6O5fwys cerr norw down arte In & Out)
JUiCY💦💦BOOTY 😍 EXOTIC & curvy 😻😻(AVAiLABLE NOW)💦💦Incall speacials - 20
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Norwalk)
LaTIN GIrLS📷 KATY📷 & More👌 COLOMBIANA💋#1ReQUESTED PLAYMATE!•°1st Come 1st SERVED!+📢562-294-8371 - 22
(Bellflower👀👀👀📢SI YO HABLO ESPANOL📢, Long Beach, Norwalk)
1 Of A Kind **1OO% uNrUsHeD ☆ KilLeR CuRvEs & a FaTt K!TtY!!! ► *1OO% SaTiSfAcTiOn - 19
LEAVING TOMORROW _ Gorgeous New Blonde___ HIGHLY REVIEWED ❤ 1OOO% REAL ____ - 23
(Long Beach, 91 Fwy // Cerritos / Norwalk / OC)
☆ iTS PLaYTiME BoYS!!! ♥ BLONDE HoTTiE ☆ READy N O W.! =) - 23
(Long Beach, Specials » Cerritos / Artesia 91 FWY =))
just latin :•: ★ :•: I WANNA :•: ★ :•: MAKE YOUR :•: ★ :•: DAY:•: ★ :•: -empbellas SpEcials All Day - 21
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
🌷🌵🌷🌷ENYOYABLE!🌷🌷🌷ELite__ ESPECIAL ➖➖40X40➖➖ 🌷🌷Visit🌷🌷🌵🌷 - 22
(7136 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster Ca., City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
(•♥•) EXxTREMELY SMOKIN HoTT -n- SEXxy LATINA (•♥•) GrEat SpeCialS !! HaBL0 ESPaN0L - 20
(Long Beach, 91/pioneer incalls/ outcalls)
▓► D_R_€_A_M_ •★• _G_!_R_L ◄▓ S€XY_CuRvY _BuSTy_ BRʉN€TT€▓ Available Now! - 21
(Long Beach, Cerr Artes Norw 91.605.710fwys In & Out)
██████♥ ▒ DOWNEY █ ▒ █████ ▓ █TRANSEXUAL AMY ▒ █ ▓ █████ ▒ TRY ME █ ♥ ▒ - 22
(Downey, Lakewood Blvd near 5,105,710,91 or 605)
♥ DaNGERoUSLY ______ ★°•. Addictive .•°★ Tempting ______ Beauty ♥ - 27
(Long Beach, 605...5..norwalk)
••••► ••••► ••••►✄------ CUT Out The FAKES & Just See ME ✄ ----- ★ PRETTY FACE & SOFT BOOTY★◄•••• ◄• - 18
(Long Beach, 91 pionner)
CuTe Blk_AsiAn MiX, KiNky SeXy VirGo, SweEt YellowBone 60 Starr SpeCialz* No Games - 22
(Long Beach, 91/710/105 Memorial 60 dealz)
👉🆕8oSPECIALS🆕👈(( 💯% M🚺ND Bl👅w¡nG §K🚺ll§)) ❎❎❎ ⇉ ❣●💜(( Very H0T💣✨))READY FOR YOU NOW👅💦 - 19
(Long Beach, 🔐105/605fwy & Firestone💦💥DOWNEY🔐)
Sun 12 Jan
818 606-7045 hazel %100 real pics or your service is free!!! - 21
(Long Beach, LAX 818 606-7045 HAZEL)
$80 $80 $80 TiReD Of The SaMe ThiNg? TrY SoMeThiNg THICK & JUICY I'M (SO) T!GHT & {W}[E](T)REaDy NOW - 22
(IN/Artesia off 91 OUT - Nearby Areas)
are u looking for a keeper ♡ see me once and u will want to keep me forever♡ let's party - 23
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, outcall credit card and PayPal ok, Pasadena, Westside)
💲70/hhr💲110/full 📞NOW Slim waist fat cakes👌👍 sexy ,petite naughty freak!!😋CoME get a tAStE!!! - 22
(Long Beach, downey lakewood blvd&Firestone; 105frwy)
$$60NEW ❤ ██████████ ❤CERTIFIED❤ ██████████ ❤2❤ ██████████ SATISFY❤ » ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ - 24
(Long Beach, Carson, South Bay Area, 110 fwy, 91 fwy)
-OUTCALLS ONLY-💖💜💛💚💗💝💘🔥 KIMMIE 🔥HOT🔥 BLONDE🔥💖💗💝💛💚💘 Always Available NO SLEEP - 26
(Anaheim, Downtown, Los Angeles, Orange County, OUTCALLS ONLY!! ANYWHERE 24.7!!, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Westside)
Hablo espanol ~One Of A Kind💦⚘👅A Gentalman's Dream Come True 👠🌴💦💋💯Real 💯 - 21
(Downey, Downey , Southgate , Bellgardens, Long Beach)
Its mE ! SELENA 60$ Boobs Latina 323 246-0484.. pioneer /artesia ..91 fwy - 24
(Long Beach, downey cerritos long beach lakewood 562)
Im back 2 girls special $50 $70 (323)2181683 available now $50 - 26
(Long Beach, 5fwy Norwalk Downey santa fe spring)
Sat 11 Jan
>>>> INCALL SPECIALS_ S e x y _ Sassy ___ C o l l e g e _ G I R L ____*8o Specials - 24
[✭] N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [♥] NEVER LOOKED [✭] THIS N*I*C*E ;)- [♥] - - 21
GARDENA GG SPA 5 POPULAR Massage GIRL come see @ OPEN Late - 22
(15205 CRENSHAW BLVD GARDENA ZIP 90249, Downtown, Los Angeles, Westside)
$80 SpECiALs.. SeXxXy SpaNiSh & FrEnCh GoDDeSs... iS ReAdY & WiLLiNg To..???? DoN't MiSs OuT!!! - 21
4 A TReAT U WiLL WanT 2 RePeAT OVeR & OvER AGaIN ---> CLIcK HeRe!! & DonT 4GeT 2 TeLL A FRieND - 23
(Long Beach, seal beach lbc palos verdes s bay lax)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-424_255_6348__Susan Latina 21 - 21
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Whittier Downey el Monte, Orange County, Westside)
((LATE NiGhT)) - - LUCioUs- - ChOCoLATE SNaCk-- - ThAT WiLL HAVE YOU COMINg- - - BacK- To- BaCk!! - 22
CLiCK HEREೋ~* S w E E T *ೋ* S e D u C T i V e ~ೋ~ e X oT i C - dOLL ~ೋ~ - 19
(((incalls ONLY)) off 91 freeway!)
❶ ______ Come out this rain and to come to me, I'm a beautiful girl with a Hot massage - 25
(Long Beach, ***__________________carsoncity*Torrance)
Elite European ····· ARiA ····· Call me now 2139848305 - 31
(Long Beach, incalls ( Sepulveda & 110fwy ) incalls)
——• LaTiNa ~ BoMBSHeLL • ——♥FUN & SEXY! ——• •AsK AboUt My 2girl$pecial.... - 22
(Long Beach, *LoNg BeAcH*Artesia *nOrwaLk*)
[×❤×]IvE BeEn A Bad Girl ..How Will You Punish Me[×❤×] Si HABLO ESPANOL - 24
(Long Beach, Incall// Outcall 100$ SPECIALS)
HaPPy HouR Specials*90***( PeTTiE & BusTY ) CHICA**( 90) - 21
(Long Beach, Carson Incall*91*710*110)
Fri 10 Jan
$60 spectacular ☆——— "Its time 2 get N@sT¥" ———☆ CuBaN DoLL ☆ —Big BoOt¥ ◆ $60 Certified pRo in Bed! - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
All natural huge 34Ds hottie latina/white girl big booty hottie call now - 21
(Los Angeles, Outcall)
60 special lets party ☎ 3237986761 PuErToRiCaN & bLaCk an IrIsH up 24/7♧ ☆ super try me - 60
(Long Beach, lancaster k and 27 st w 14 fwy)
♥NEW ♥ —— ♥ BLONDE Playmate ♥ —— ♥ GORGEOUS ♥ ——♥ Petite BODY♥ ——♥ - 22
(Cerritos, long bch downey hermosa torrance lax, Long Beach)
mIDnItE hOnEy dIpP* * *UP lAtE* * cARaMEL eBoNy* *CuRvY* * *HuGE B(O)(O)S* MmMmM - 24
(INcalls 405/105fwy/OUTcalls 100 ALL NIT)
24/7 ThIcK.N.BuStY . K I N K Y. F R E A K. 4 U. N O W // MoUtHwAtErInG ToUnGe SpEcIaLs // - 23
(Long Beach)
NEW OWNERS ~ 2 GIRL ONLY $40 !!! NAK1D NURU B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ OIL §ensual 😋 §lip N §lide Fun - 20
(NEW IN TOWN) 🌟 $60 💋 ((Big Booty)) 💋 $60 (( T¡GhT Body )) — $60— (( Sexy Playmate)) - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk Downey 5fwt(INCALL))
💋💋💋💋❤️ MY Location: IS Downey, 💋 ❤️❤️❤️ - 21
(Bellflower, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Downey, Lakewood Blvd & firestone Blvd, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Mature Massage Rendezvous with Exotic 38 DDD Natural Breasts - 36
(Inland Empire, rialto, Ontario, fontana)
DÄR€ 2 ☞ L ❦ ‿ ❦K ☞ ___TREAT yourself TO SOMETHING SINFULLY SWEET!!!ೋ —— - 23
💢Exotic 👅 Creamy 💦Goddes $pecials 💢 - 20
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Longbeach,paramount,bellflower,carson)